She caught the predator!

Just before you think I've captured a beast or been out hunting:
I've finally captured a bird of prey, most likely a Buzzard, on camera!
Not very clearly, as I was in a car, meant to be driving at the time..
So, just to calm some of you nervous drivers out there down; The other car was nearly a kilometre away, so I slowed down and briefly stopped whilst clicking and driving away.
So here are my results:
Hei Andrea
Måtte bare teste om dette virker. Jeg prøvde å slå opp "Buzzard" i ordboka, men det nærmeste jeg kom var "snøstorm". Lekker fugl ihvertfall.
Jeg har leita og funnet ut at det er Musevaake, tror det var det det var, veffal. De er visst i Norge og iblant, men jeg kan ikke huske aa ha sett noen. :-)
dear daughter
what a nice side of u...
love to visit u 'n mark in stirling.
keep on bloggin...
I've just found out that this is a female Buzzard, as the mael ones are dark under their wings.
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