Material suburbian girl

I just realised how much countrysidish stuff there is on my blog.
So if any of you were worried that grass has started growing out of my brain after all the rain; I thought I'd reasssure you.
I have purchased the follwoing items:
A lovely bag in greenish blue with a very complimenting purse, in guess what: purple/aubergine! which as you can see matches my campres shoes very well. :-)
I also have bought some new cups, (well, Mamma helped out a fair bit financially with that one,) from The Pier in Glasgow. Very pretty pink japanese ones with a side dish. (probably is for dips, but I'll pu my teabags on them.)
So in between running in the hills, eating blueberries(mostly with Sara), I also enjoy the odd shoppingspree and other urban adventures.
The other day I was in Edinburgh with Fiona on a jazzconcert, as the Edinburgh Jazz and Bluesfestival has started.
On Saturday Mark and I were at Angela and Craig's wedding. Angela is my friend Sara's mum. It was SO Scottish! It was a caleigh (folk dance party) with a band, local beer from Dollar, (which is in the county were I work), Haggis to eat and loads of cool men in kilts!! great fun! I got too caught up in taking videoclips to take any good pics with my digital camera.
Next up is Pappa and Ane (wonderful little sister) coming on Saturday! You'll be updated.
Det må ej sei... Du imponera! (mest med dataferdigheitene, men og med kjeramikken og friluftslivet. Pågår det framleis i skjørt eller?)
Impressive mach! And nice blogg.
du har mange fine ting!! Jeg kjøpte ny veske i Firenze. Om ikke lenge (hopefully) når vi skal ut å drikke mojito og kryste siste rest av vill ungdom ut av deg - skal vi ha med de fine veskene våre.
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