Friday, February 17, 2006

Opportunity to hear some of the music from the Brit awards

Click on this link and it'll take you to a page where you can either listen to 30 second clips of songs, or pay money to buy or hear the whole songs.

I especially recommend that you check out the amazing K.T. Tunstall and the ever so pleasant Jack Johnstone. I also quite like Franz Ferdinand. I've lost touch a bit with what has and hasn't reached Norway.
Anyway, don't forget to leave me entertainment on the other post and possibly some tips of good music at the comments of this one?
By the way; Work has now become less stressful and I'm hoping next week will be nice and "normal" whatever that is :-)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Will happily receive snippets of entertainment after some hard days work

So, this time I offer "fint lite" /little entertainment nor information myself, but just appeal for you good souls out there full of stories and trivial funny information to share it with the rest of us, me in particular!

I've had a particularly hard working week with both a very nice but challenging trainig course and general hard stuff around my office at work.
So the quest begins:
Who will make me laugh so you hear it all the way to where you are?
Who will make me gasp withshock and surprise?

A bit of fun and distraction seldom goes a miss for anyone, so roll on with stories jokes and odd facts!

Before you start feeling to sorry for poor old tired Andrea, I'll pass on to you that I did quite enjoy that training course.
Claire and I went together and met loads of nice people whilst learning interesting stuff and eating buffet lunches. :-)
On a finishing note I'll be happy to inform anyone who missed it that K.T. Tunstall one a Brit Award.
She's such a great musician! She said as she thanked for it; Women ignore your restrictions!
If you get a chance check out her music, it's brilliant!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Seeking inspiration!

I've been painting again! Well, I'm trying to finish the two I've already started, but it seems to take ages. Next one I start will be in acrylic paint as it doesn't take as long to dry.
So some of you might recognise the one of the man in Paris. That one will just develop to be as close to my photography as I can manage. I have found a way to compare the pictures on my computer and I can see my shortcomings but am still quite pleased.

During my work on the blue one, however, I'm more open for input. This is regarding the blue area around the ages. I've been considering a Mucha style frame with patterns and stuff, but don't qiuite see that happening now. So, either I'll leave it blue, as it is with maybe another coat, or put dots on or stripes of green or yeallow or purple or or or ? It's a bit sci fi this paitning, I know, but there you go. I might be influenced by your comments, so what do you think? Looking forwadr to hearing from you ALL! :-) You can comment by clicking on where it says O comments (or 1 or 2 comments after a while ) Right a little comment in the window and click on "other" or "blogger " if you have your own blogspt blog and remember your password. Then you write your name, webpage details are not needed. Then you write the word verification and then click on the blue button that says publish your comment! And tada! you've may have made an impact on my painting.
Paa norsk: Det er lett aa legge igjen en kommetar! Lettest aa trykke paa "other" skrive inn navnet ditt, (fornavn eller kallenavn eller hav du vil skal staa naar det sier f.eks. Bestemor says: ...) Skriv det du vil i kommentarvinduet og skriv inn bokstavene du ser der det staar word verification, trykk paa den blaa knappen der det staar publish your comment og det er det! klem!