Thursday, February 14, 2008

wildlife excitement

When I went to Finse I hoped to see a fox in a winter outfit, and thought this not unlikely to happen.
I was told this was optimistic, but lo and behold, there it was!
I thought it only fair to show you a photo or two and a mini video.
It might make a good variation to my buzzard photos :-)
I am aware this is a nerdy streak of mine, but the great geek chic trend
makes this brilliantly faboulous :-D

Anyway, this proves how nice it can be to be optimistic and hopeful.
When I visited Laila in Bodø (in the North of Norway)for the weekend about nine years ago, I said that I was hoping to see the northern lights. I was told how unlikely it was that the aurora borealis would pop up during the weekend especially for me. Well, pessimists eat your hats, God is good, delighting me with the beauty of nature at opportune moments!

I nearly choked on my Lakerol sweetie at the time :-)
Anyway, here's a very cute semi tame wild fox that hung out by the Finse train station:


At Sun Feb 17, 06:51:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hei Andrea!

Bra med deg?
Kult med reven! Lønner seg å være optimistisk!
Det er ikke så ofte jeg ser på din- eller andres Blog, men nå har jeg altså vært inne.

Ville bare si at jeg har det veldig bra for tida. Even ble født 29.januar, og er en herlig gutt. Foreløpig er Ivan også hjemme, så da har vi det kjekt alle sammen- Skal nok gå bra når Ivan skal på jobb om litt over en uke også, men veldig fint å få hele 4 uker sammen.

Klem fra nybakt mamma Kjersti


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