Thursday, February 07, 2008

Adventures of 2008

Hello neglected Blog readers!
Are there still some out there?
I've been too busy on facebook to blog for a while.
And then there is also living real life distracting me from my internet activities.. :-)
So, what's new for me?
Well, I have a nice new job as a family worker in St Andrew's Parish Church in Bo'ness!
There's loads of stuff going on from there, check it out!!

So far this year I have been racing to the airport twice, been at an airport whilst lightening struck it, left Norway without my suitcase twice, (no, I wasn't just being scatty), been rescued by a man on a snowscooter in the Norwegian mountains with a group of other partygoers and held my first short seminar. I am unsure whether to take this as a sign that this will be a most exiting and eventful year, or whether this means I have filled my quota for the rest of the year..

Well, I am not really that bound to thinking in terms of fate, so I suppose to a certain extent I think for the next few months I will try to plan my life to be slightly less eventful.

I have also made some really nice new ceramic pieces. Well, that was mostly in 2007.

Hope you are all well and that some of you get to read and comment this! :-)
The photo is of Finse train station! In the winter this is the only way you can get to Finse, as it is not possible to drive there!


At Wed Feb 13, 09:05:00 am, Blogger Unknown said...

Det ble en minnerik fjelltur, skjønner jeg. Håper du slapp fra det uten skader og brudd og at alt er bra ellers.

At Wed Feb 13, 01:02:00 pm, Blogger Andrea said...

Ja, jeg er sunn og frisk som en fisk!
Invitasjonen din var veldig fin og jeg ser at du har planlagt for alle eventualiteter! Det er bra!
Snakkes paa telefonen snart?

At Wed Feb 13, 05:00:00 pm, Blogger Unknown said...



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