Hello all you my slightly neglected readers!
I've been so busy, I actually just remembered today that I have a blog!
I have now transeferred at work and am no longer in two offices 50% but in one all the time. It's less confusing, but I am still very busy. Hoping it will calm quite soon.
In the meantime, advent is the wait for things to come. For me the Christmas holidays will be a lovely time of rest! That is if there won't be too much of a tug of war on how I spend my days whilst in Norway..
Anyway, I suppose that's not too bad of a thought of the whole point of Christmas;
Rest, provided by Christ.
I keep forgetting. It's easy to get a bit hectic, especially for me.
Yet, one of my favourite bible verses is Matthew 11, 28-30:
"Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give yo rest.Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Anyway, so I hope you all have pockets of peace and joy in the midst of everything that needs done. If any of you, or me (!) also manages to give worries or stresses over to Jesus, and gain a bit of heavenly peace, even better.
Anyway, some of the stuff that has kept me busy is a website called Threadless. It has designs for different t shirts and is very entertaining. One really nice one is this one with images of hippos in trees! Check it out!

(They're emade of fruit of the loom clothes, so appearantly good quality as well as quite fascinating to watch.)
Anyway, I've also finished my ceramics class today, so I'll be posting photo's soon for you lot to pick from. What else? Well, I've made a gingerbread cookie house, so there will be a photo of that too, I think.
I have also discovered Paolo Nutini. Really nice music! Check it out!
http://www.paolonutini.com/So, I'll catch up again before Christmas. I hope you're all well!