Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I went potty!

Together with my English friend Fiona, who lives in Glasgow,
I've discovered a wonderful place in the West End, (of Glasgow), called Go Potty Studios!
It's a place where you can pay £3 (ca 35 kr) for an hour at the wheel or to sit and make stuff out of clay that you buy for £15 a bag. Great fun! check it out! I've heard there's something similar at Grunerloekka!
Anyway, I thought I'd show you some of my results so far.
It'll be a sneak preview of potential additions to my giftshop.
I'm so glad I went! It destresses and excites me and is to be recommended ! :-)


At Fri Nov 04, 01:47:00 pm, Blogger Kamilla said...

om to uker er det jeg som skal lage fantastisk kunst! gleder meg. skremmende lenge siden jeg har bedrevet noen form for kreativ og skapende utfoldelse. skal prøve å vekke til liv igjen den delen av hjernen (venstre?)innen jeg lander i Prestwick

At Mon Nov 07, 02:35:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo Andrea!
The cearmics are very fine!!!
I am impressed! It is difficult to get it that ruond - to get the clay in center as you have to to get it so fine!!!!!!
Very funny!
The other pictures are fine - it looks dangerous with that big eagle! Courageous people!!
Big hug from Mammma

At Mon Nov 14, 06:43:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hei. saa veldig kjempeflink! den som det er to bilder av, ser veldig veldig fin ut!

My sister is the best to be creativ ever!!

big hugs, plenty



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