Magnetic forces pulling me northward

So it's wintertime and advent is upon us. Advent looks different in Scotland to Norway. This photo is of last years Christmas decor in the office.
As I'm staying in Scotland for Christmas I am going to Norway to get some of the advent feel, which is almost as nice as Christmas itself, hopefully even containing snow! I'll take some photo's and show off advent, Norwegian style!
I really enjoy advent and the anticipation of wonderful things to come.
I must admit that even if I am often politcally correct(ish) and christian (all the time :-) )I still need to make a bit of an effort in remembering to reflect on what Christ's birth brought the world and not just get exited about what I'm making for people for Christmas. Some times the two can even be combined!
There was a brochure in the Big Issue of presents you can give for people where you give money to Christian aid and they send you a card for what you give, as in £10 to give peace to someone, ie money towards councelling for people in a war afflicted country or towards a herd of goats in Africa. Kind of cool. We decided to get one to our housegroup from our housegroup. They're such lovely people!
So, only through dicipline could I delay speaking of this: Time for some of you lucky lot to choose a Christmas present from my giftshop! It's not fully updated yet, but I'm working at producing new stuff as well as putting it on my giftshop to show off. I have made quite a few ceramic bowls and vases as well as bracelets and wine charms of different beads and metal thread. I am also planning to develop some of the photo's I've taken and maybe frame some also, depending on whether it's practical to send etc. So, I would be greatful if you could look at the link to the giftshop and also the links to fotosight as well as to see if there's anything you fancy. Who knows, I might even finish off the paintings!
Some of you need to hurry as I'm coming to Norway on Thrsday, 8.-12./12. and will try to bring presents over. See some of you soon, I hope!
klem Andrea
Hei Andrea
Jeg vet jo ikke om jeg er inkludert i dine julegaveplaner, men jeg rekognoserer gjerne litt på photosight i den anledning... Ser fram til å treffes i slutten av uka. Hils Mark og si at bildelene er på vei. Snakkes, Trygve
Saa bra, Trygve med de bildelene!
selvfoelgelig er du inkludert i julegaveplaner!Rekogniser i vei!
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