Sunday, March 12, 2006

Look! Snow!

We've had loads of snow!
I must admit; I'm really enjoying it, even though it's somewhat impractical.
Most people have given up driving and we had to change our plans and walk to our local for our lunch, in stead of in to town as planned.
Royce and Christine are visiting and they're really getting a taste of the cold north.
Well, compared to Norway, it's neither very cold nor very snowy. Kelly says it's the most snow she's seen up here for the 6 years they've lived here. So, I'm adding some photo's from just outside our house.
I think it's impressive, for Scotland anyway.
I'm also showing you a bowl I just made at my ceramics class.

Also wanted to thank my kind entertainers for giving me funny links!
keep'em coming!
Enjoy the winter wonderland!


At Wed Mar 15, 02:34:00 pm, Blogger Kamilla said...

Håper bare det smelter før jeg kommer på besøk! Det ville vært litt kjipt å reise fra snøkavet i Tromsø til snø-rekord i Stirling. Jeg krever VÅR fra 3. april - 10. april!!

At Wed Mar 15, 10:54:00 pm, Blogger Solveig said...

Jeg vil og ha vår - trallalla våååår!!!
Så fin bolle du har laget, du er sannelig en kunstner,Andrea!

At Wed Mar 15, 11:48:00 pm, Blogger Andrea said...

Tralala vaar, i aar!

Snart kommer det flere bilder av fine ting jeg tok med hjem fra keramikk kurset i dag.

At Sun Mar 26, 06:47:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


kjempesøte bilder samla på et sted! min venninne miriam sin side.


Look at the great pictures on this one!


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